Sunday 5 February 2012

Vampire Troll

Sometimes, no matter what you do, there's going to be some asshole who wants to mess with you.
You know...the troll.

I'm sure as soon as the aggravation of the situation wears off, I will find some lesson, purpose or alchemical or paradoxical translation...but for's just plain creepy.

So...I have this *neighbor* who is a *vampire*, and is causing me a bit of grief.

Wait one minute.
I've said that before. O.o
Yep. Back in 2007. I'm not going to get detailed, and those who know the situation remember it well, and how that turned out in RL. Well, this one is in SL.
Uh oh.  I'm seeing that paradoxical thing already.

Oh no.

Ok, what is going on in SL, is that a guy who plays Bloodlines moved into the empty lot next to our parcel. He seemed ok at first. I went over and said hello.
We chatted about this and that.
I told him he was welcome to come over whenever, you know, to be neighborly.
At that point, we had left out parcel open to accomodate others who had shops in the sim as well, and to well...not appear to be rude.
To make a long story short, this guy started annoying our customers. We noticed a sharp decline in
A) The length of client visits and
B) The decline of return customers.

After getting a complaint, seeing this neighbor lurking whenever we would have customers in, and seeing that he was lurking about when we would leave, and so were his cronies, we set up a little test.
One of us came into the parcel on an alt. pretending to be a customer.
In about 1 minute, a notecard and a TP came from this neighbor.
Bite requests.


So I confronted him. He was a jackass about it, and then I complained. He was reprimanded, and then moved his home location in the sky no doubt...somewhere else in the sim.
But he's still lurking....on his alts.

Wintermoon is not very well known yet.  We haven't been at this shoppe thing too terribly long, so it's not like someone would remember from some time ago. Yanno?

We had to change everything because of this guy.
We had to take away rezzing privelege, and flying, and we had to incorporate the private parcel, and close it in.

Closing it in means there is no way in...other than by Teleport.

So, we have been noticing new names popping up on the sim. New AV's...under 2 weeks old.
Well, one of these popped up on me twice yesterday. Once while I was paying tier, and the other in our parcel exactly where I was...and proceeded to try to start an argument with me.

This guy tried everything, from saying I was scary, to questioning why I was there, what I was doing, where I was going, and asking about an associate of mine down the bank, and whether or not I was a spy.
O.o LOL!

He seemed familiar. I just have a gut feeling its one of the neighbors alts.
For those of you who don't understand what an "alt" is, it's similar to using an internet sockpuppet.

This is all too familiar.

But why is this guy bothering me? Probably because he has no life and I'm usually around. That, and he wants to try to get his *evens* in on me for turning him into the land manager.

He's going to try to start trouble with other people. I just know it. Like I said...I've been here RL.
I simply don't know what to do. I've done everything I can to cut him off. I can't prove he's coming in on his alts, but its just not normal to see the lurking. You can't fly into our parcel, you can't see people by camming into our parcel because of the privacy settings. The only 2 ways in would be camming me directly on the map and hitting TP on my location, or to have had a pre-existing TP.

So, you see my dilemma?

The only thing missing from this equation is for him to have a crazy girlfriend with a shotgun, "tresspassers will be executed" signs around his parcel, and an unnatural desire to run for president.

This is the spirit of misrule.
Why do you keep sending this same situation? Is it simply for the Lulz?
I mean really.


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